“An Everlasting Legacy”
Greater Love Chapel Church of God in Christ was established in 1910 by former founding pastor, Elder J. Austin Love, shortly after the establishment of the Church of God in Christ in 1907 by Bishop C.H. Mason. In 1922, Elder Love purchased two lots at 1107 White Street which is now Est Rosedale. The lots were purchased for a church and personage to be built upon. This was a great beginning for the saints. Everyone worked hard to build a house for the Lord. Finally, things begin to come to fruition. Went the sanctuary was built it was named Love Chapel. The name did not originate in the honor of the church organizer Elder Love, but it was named Love Chapel because of the Love that it demonstrated by its membership. Elder Love served as pastor of the church from 1921 to 1933.
Elder Love was succeeded by Elder E.E. Hamilton of San Antonio, Texas. Elder Hamilton was sent to Greater Love Chapel in 1933. He served as pastor from 1933 to 1938 at which time he moved to California.
In 1939, Elder S.D. Lee of Tyler, Texas was appointed by Bishop J. H. Galloway as pastor of Love Chapel. Elder Lee served as pastor from 1939 to 1966. In 1966, Bishop F.L. Haynes appointed Elder C.J. Jones from Dallas, Texas as pastor of Love Chapel. Pastor Jones led this church into a greater era. Under his administration, the membership of the church grew to over 250 members and great renovations took place. Later in 1988, he renamed the church to Greater Love Chapel, added another wing; thereby, providing new classrooms, updated lounge and bathroom facilities, rooms for storage, and a beautiful library.
On July 27, 1993, Bishop J. Neaul Haynes came to Greater Love Chapel with other church officials of the Texas Northeast Jurisdiction to provide the church assistance since Pastor Jones had become ill. He appointed then Superintendent, R.L. Asberry as co-pastor. On Easter Sunday, April 3, 1994, Superintendent Asberry was officially appointed, Pastor of Greater Love Chapel Church of God in Christ. Dr. Jones was then named Pastor Emeritus.
In the year 2000, Dr. R.L. Asberry resigned his leadership of Greater Love Chapel. In the same year, the church celebrated its’ passage into the new millennium with the appointment of Superintendent Jimmy W. Glenn Sr. as the new leader of Greater Love Chapel. Under Pastor Glenn’s leadership, the church has since grew to over 500 members, and in 2019 began constructing a new state-of- the-art sanctuary where the Holy Spirit has be destined to resonate.
Under his 2 decade tenure here as Senior Pastor of Greater Love Chapel, he has since been elevated to Bishop in the local, state, and national Church of God In Christ in 2016. With his new elevation, comes a new vision given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And just as always, the members of Greater Love Chapel Church of God In Christ, past, present, and future, will continue to follow the stupendous leadership, vision, and values of these great Men of God.
Bishop Jimmy W. Glenn, Sr is the third generation Church of God In Christ. He is the fifth child of the Late Superintendent Emuel Robert Glenn, Sr and Mrs. Dixie Jewel Glenn (living), born in 1954 in Fort Worth, Texas. He grew up in the Lake Como area of Fort Worth where he received his secondary education and is a 1973 graduate of Trimble Tech High School. At the time of his father was serving as one of the associate pastors of the historic Wayside Church of God In Christ under Bishop Raymond Eugene Ranger, presiding prelate of the Texas Southeast Jurisdiction of the Church of God In Christ. As a young man, Bishop Jimmy Glenn was reared in the traditions of the Church of God in Christ, participating in various ministries such as Sunday School, YPWW, Youth and Senior Choirs. At the tender age of 8 years old, God anointed him and he began playing the piano and singing to large audiences during his travels with his pastor Bishop R.E. Ranger. Through this relationship with Bishop Ranger he learned the values of service, loyalty, and commitment.
Bishop Glenn’s connection with Texas Northeast 1st and the late Bishop J. Neaul Haynes was established through the close friendship between Bishop F.L. Haynes (The first presiding Bishop of Texas Northeast 1st Jurisdiction) and
Deacon Robert A. Glenn, the grandfather of Bishop Glenn. Deacon Glenn of Teague, Texas was known to be the foot soldier for several Texas Church of God in Christ Bishops, including Bishop Ranger, Bishop Wilson, and Bishop F.L. Haynes.
In 1977, Bishop Glenn was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. At the age of 21 years old, he accepted God’s call on his life to minister the gospel. He was licensed to preach in 1979 by Bishop R.E. Ranger. He began his ministry as an evangelist, traveling through Texas and other states holding revivals and conferences preaching the gospel.
In 1981, after completing the requirements for ordination, he was ordained as an Elder in the church of God in Christ by Bishop Ranger. For two years he served as assistant pastor to his Father at Saint Paul Church of God in Christ and State Minister of Music for Texas Southeast Jurisdiction.
In 1983, Bishop Glenn accepted the appointment from Bishop J. Nuaul Haynes to pastor Gospel Lighthouse Church of God in Christ in Cleburne, Texas, of which he pastored for 10 years before moving the growing the congregation to a new 500-seat edifice and renamed the church to Gethsemane Church of God in Christ. While serving at Gethsemane, he was appointed by Bishop Haynes to pastor concurrently pastor St. Mary Church of God in Christ of Fort Worth, Texas. One year later, Bishop Glenn was reassigned by Bishop Haynes to pastor the historic Greater Love Chapel Church of God in Christ in Fort Worth, Texas, one of the oldest churches in Texas Northeast 1st Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. As an anointed gospel musician, singer, evangelist, preacher, and now Auxiliary Bishop and First Administrative Assistant of the Texas Northeast Forth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under presiding prelate Bishop Nathiel D.D. Wells, he has proudly held the position and served as Senior Pastor of the Greater Love Chapel Church of God in Christ for 20 years and does not look to quit anytime soon. For the Lord has instilled in him the courage and shield to fight the good fight and lead his people to salvation.
Lady Sylvia Glenn is a woman of worship; an anointed teacher and inspiring speaker of the word of God.
She is a native of Ft. Worth, Texas where she attended Elementary, Middle and High School in the Fort Worth ISD. She attended Prairie View A & M and graduated from Paul Quinn College with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. After teaching Special Education and 3rd Grade for almost 20 years, Sylvia continued her education and received a Masters’ Degree in School Counseling from Dallas Baptist University. She has been an Elementary School Counselor for 15 years. She also teaches ESL classes (English as a Second Language) and tutors to Elementary – High school students at the Presbyterian Night Shelter.
Lady Sylvia Glenn is the wife of the visionary Bishop Jimmy Glenn, Sr.; Pastor of Greater Love Chapel Church of God in Christ in Fort Worth Texas. They have been married 43 years and are the proud parents of three adult children; Adrescion
Knoel Glenn, Jimmy Wayne Glenn, Jr., and Audrielle Jno Glenn-McGinty (Jason). Their children matriculated and graduated from Cornell University, University of Phoenix, Iowa and Washington State University. They are also the delighted grandparents of four grandsons Jai, Noah, Solomon, Jason Jr., and one granddaughter Janay.
Lady Sylvia Glenn is an Evangelist Missionary who serves faithfully and diligently at Greater Love Chapel with her husband. She works as the Women’s Ministry coordinator. She is anointed and spirit filled. Lady Glenn’s desire is to see women whole in every area of their lives, so they can be productive, effective and powerful witnesses for the Lord.
“Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all paths are peace.” Proverbs 3:17
>Sister Jimmie Johnson
>Sister Knoel Glenn
>Sister Tekishia Herring
>Sister Everlene Henderson
>Sister Tracy Holiday
>Sister Nicole Thomas
>Sister Kenya Williamson
>Sister Gwendolyn Daniels
>First Lady Sylvia Glenn
>Minister Shawn Manuel
>Missionary Kathy Fleming
>Missionary Michelle McCoy
>Missionary Dwendolyn Benjamin
>Missionary Bettye Green
>Missionary Tandra Fleming
>Elder Delroy Markland
>Mother Shirley Laws
>Mother Lenora Manning
>Mother Jewel White
>Mother Deborah Davis
>Mother Mary Bell
>Mother Marilyn Parks
>Deacon Clayton Fleming
>Brother Stefon Green
>Brother Sam Smith
>Brother Kenneth Haliburton
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